Wednesday 9 September 2015

1ST CLASS IN SEM 3 2015/16 (WEEK 1) 9/10/2015

Posted by JYE's story at 20:36
TODAY IS OUR FIRST CLASS FOR PPEA2106 (INTERNET DAN PENGAJARAN). Having a very good day with my old classmate, same lecturer with last sem (Dr Chin). Today have some different situation from class before because Dr combine our with the junior class. We getting know each others in the class. But so so far only have about 4 people in juniors class, and now hope for that will adding more people in class tekno.

Some of the senior show their blog that create last sem to the junior. I was very supprised when I see very interesting blog that show by others classmate and it make me recall back what i have learn last sem. A lot of very useful things and experience I had learned from last sem.

Wish us have a good day ^^

                                   SENIOR ARE SHOWING THEIR BLOG IN THE CLASS


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